Monday, August 30, 2010

Don’t Settle For Less: Say No To What You Don’t Want

"Having what you want in your life is largely a function of learning to say no to what you don't want." It's the Universe's way of checking in with us. Do you really want what you want? Or will you say yes to less?

Too often people seem to be scared by saying “No”. The fear of rejection overcomes the desire of authenticity. It's even harder when what's in front of us is almost what we want but not quite. We think a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. We doubt that what we want actually exists in its wholeness, and we do the settle-for-less dance.

This date is perfect except that they were 15 minutes late to pick me up. This guy is perfect except he’s got a hot temper. This woman is perfect except she’s always complaining and negative.

• Do you want someone who's on time? Say no to the one who isn't!

• Do you want guy who stays calm in the face of conflict? Say no to the one who isn't!

• Do you want a woman who has a positive attitude? Say no to the one who doesn’t!

How many of you are spending time with somebody that’s not quite what you want. Are you just kind of passing the time away with that person because you’re afraid to say “NO”?

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