Monday, August 16, 2010

How To Read Someone You Are Into

If you are single and looking for love, here is a fact that might surprise you. Ninety percent of what you say to the people you meet is non-verbal. Very often we give clues and signals to those we are attracted to without even realizing it.

Being able to read body language can give you clues as to whether someone has a romantic interest in you or not. By accurately reading their body language you will be able to determine if the other person is feeling comfortable around you and eager to get to know you better.

1. How close a person stands to you can be one of the most important body language clues to whether someone is interested in you romantically or not. Their proximity to you can be directly proportional to their romantic interest in you. In other words the closer they stand to you the more interested they are in you romantically and the farther they stand away from you the less interested they are in pursuing a romance with you.

2. When a person crosses their arms, it may mean any of the following:

a) When You're Talking - They may not agree with what you said, and may be doubting or suspecting you. They may have a bad impression of you and may not wish to continue talking with you. It may also depict arrogance or defensiveness.

b) When Their Talking - They may be hiding something from you, or may even be lying. A person engages in this protective posture when they feel anxious or nervous.

c) They might just be feeling cold.

3. Body positioning can also be a form of body language that can either convey romantic interest or disinterest. When speaking to someone, if their body and particularly their torso is turned towards you and leaning closer to you this is an indication of romantic interest. This body positioning leaves you unguarded and vulnerable which indicates trust in the other person.

4. Your eyes often send body language messages to those around you letting them know whether or not you are interested in them. When you have a romantic interest in someone you make eye contact and also blink often. Both of these signals let the other person know that you are attracted to them by conveying the message that you are interested in what they have to say.

Avoiding eye contact lets a person know that you are not comfortable with them and that you do not have a romantic interest in them.

Remember that it may take some time to really read people in this way. Also remember that as you are looking for signs of attraction to be aware of the signals that you are sending out as well. Keep in mind that this is not an exact science. The general idea is to look for many signs together to give you a clearer picture of a person's interest or intentions.

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