Monday, February 15, 2010

Don’t Settle For Less Than You Want - Stay Single!

I don't have a boyfriend for a good reason: Settling just isn't an option.
I've settled for less than I really wanted way too many times in my life, and each time my awareness of just how much of myself I gave up to accept that "OK" relationship was painful.
Now, I'm not going to lie and say it wouldn't be nice to have a boyfriend. I want to fall in love, get married (again)—the whole fairy tale. And every once in a while, I panic, whine, and annoyingly ask my friends, "What if I never meet anyone? (Hey, even the best of us have our moments.) But after I calm down, and stop listening to all the garbage I am telling myself, I remind myself that I don’t need just ANY man in my life to be happy.
So, what's the secret? Simple. Require 100% and not settle for less. Learn to love yourself enough to powerfully go after 100% of what you really want and truly believe that it's possible. Be optimistic, learn from your past and revel in your freedom. I refuse to sacrifice all of the benefits of being single—that is, my happiness—for a guy who isn't worth it.

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