Friday, March 19, 2010

10 Ways To Increase Your Chances of Meeting Mr or Mrs Right

More people are single today than at any other time in history: Since 1960 the divorce rate has tripled, with over half the marriages ending in divorce. The overwhelming majority of single people desire a successful relationship and fear a failed one. The old ways of dating and partnering are clearly obsolete - they simply DON'T WORK!
By using the 10 principles below, singles become 'Conscious Daters' and have a much greater likelihood of meeting the person of their dreams.
  1. Know who you are and what you want - Endeavoring to partner when you don't know who you are or what you want is like trying to find the match to a pair of shoes you haven't seen yet.
  2. Learn how to get what you want - Learn information, tools, and skills you will need to find your true love. Develop creative strategies and action plans. Don't leave things to chance.
  3. Be the Chooser - Take initiative and responsibility for your outcomes. Don't react to what, or who, chooses you. Seek to create what you want in your life
  4. Balance your heart with your head- Make your relationship choices consciously. It's still exciting!
  5. Be ready and available for commitment - Know the difference between dating for fun and dating for partnering. Complete business from any old relationships before dating seriously.
  6. Use the Law Of Attraction - Become the kind of person you want to attract by developing yourself and living the life that you want. Do you have the traits you desire in a partner?
  7. Gain relationship knowledge and skills - Prepare for the love of your life by learning how relationships work, improving your relationship skills, and deepening your relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues. Date for fun and practice. Take relationship classes and workshops. Get coaching.
  8. Create a support community - Isolated singles become lonely in their relationships when they focus on a partner to meet all their social and emotional needs. Having a strong community of friends is the best indication that you are ready for serious dating.
  9. Practice assertiveness - Ask for what you want and say no to what you don't want with equal zeal.
  10. Be a Successful Single - Don't put your life on hold waiting for a relationship to happen. The best way to find your life partner is to be a happy, successful single person living the life that you really want.
adapted from the Relationship Coaching Institute

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