Do you find yourself attracting the same relationship issues into your life? Your life and relationships are a perfectly polished mirror for what is in your sub consciousness.
Mirror, mirror...
If you ask your mirror the questions, "What are my best attributes?" or "What are my flaws?" there's a limitation to the accuracy of your reflection. After all it's just you - evaluating you. But, if you take the same approach and incorporate relationships into your evaluation, patterns will emerge - and the picture is likely to become much more complete.
One concept having to do with this is, "When you don't like something in someone else, it's reflecting something within yourself that you don't like." You might have heard about this principle, and wondered about it, as I have. How could it be? I didn't like people who are liars or super into themselves. Did that mean that somehow I was being that way? Try as I might, I couldn't see that in myself. It has taken me many years of observation and contemplation before I have finally made some sense out of it.
Whenever you don't like a trait in someone else, it's usually reflecting something within you that you've concealed from yourself. It also may be that you recognize the potential for that trait within yourself, and don't like it. You don't have to act on those attributes you don't like. But when you find out how the qualities you dislike are expressing in you, and accept them, the energy around them melts away. You no longer have to attract people who are reflecting the parts of you that you've masked.
The Universe simply sent these relationship issues into your life as sign posts to teach you to accept yourself. All of yourself. The Universe accepts you unconditionally as you are. Wouldn't you want to accept yourself as much as the Universe does? This is a very empowering realization.
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